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Motycka, Rev. Anthony (1867-1935)
Motycka, Anthony
Bellville Times, August, 1935.
Rev. A. Motycka Dies Suddenly While Conducting Services

While conducting services at the Czech Moravian Bretheren Church in Industry last Sunday, September 15, at about 9:45 a. m., Rev. Anthony Motycka, 68, pastor of the church, died suddenly of coronary heart disease, as stated by Dr. B. E. Knolle, who was immediately called. The congregation had assembled and four children were to be confirmed. Mr. Motycka announced the singing of the first verse of a hymn, and as he sat in a chair close to the pulpit, it was noticed that the notes were falling from his hands, and he fell from his chair to the floor. An inquest was held by Gus Bregenzer.

Funeral services were held at his late home Wednesday at 8:30 a.m., followed by services at the Nelsonville church, of which decedent had been pastor. Officiating ministers were Rev. Joseph Barton, active vice-president in charge; Rev. F. J. Kostohryz of Temple, at the parsonage; Rev. J. Barton, who spoke in Czech at the church; Rev. F. H. Horak of Caldwell, secretary, who spoke in English at the church; and Rev. Joseph Hegar of Temple, who spoke in Czech at the church, giving the lifeís history of decedent. Pallbearers were selected from Elders of the various churches served by Mr. Motycka.

Following the services at Nelsonville, the body accompanied by the relatives and a very great number of friends, was brought to Bellville, and the funeral party left on the 12:15 p.m. Santa Fe for Cedar Rapids, Iowa. They expect to arrive there about 3 a.m. Friday, Sept. 20, and at 9:30 that morning funeral services will be held at undertaking parlors, at 10 o'clock in the United Brethern Church at Shueyville, Iowa, with interment following at Anderson cemetery, about one and one half miles distant from the church, where Mr. Motycka will be laid to rest beside the graves of his father and mother.

Mr. Motycka is survived by three sisters, Mrs. Louis Smid and Mrs. W. F. Charipar of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and Mrs. Joseph A. Kohurt of Erie, Pa., and by one brother, Josef Motycka of Nelsonville. Mr. and Mrs. Smid and Mrs. Charipar came to Nelsonville in response to the message of Mr. Motycka's death, and with his brother returned with the body to Cedar Rapids. Others making the journey there with them were Rev. Joseph Barton of Granger, Rev. F. J. Kostohryz of Temple and Frank Sebesta of Bellville, R. 3.

Rev. Anthony Motycka was born at Shueyville, Johnson County, Iowa, November 11, 1867, the eldest of five children born to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Motycka. He received his early education in his home town, and later in Oberlin, Ohio, where he graduated in Oberlin College and Seminary. In 1892 he came to Nelsonville as a teacher and theological student. Sept. 11, 1892, delivered his first sermonóìI know in whom I have believed at Nelsonville, and was ordained there Nov. 12, 1893.

He lived in Bellville for a short time in 1897, moved to Austin for a time, then went to Munden, Kansas for about two years, and returned to Nelsonville in 1900.

He had had seventeen charges in different parts of the state, and at the time of his death served seven churches: Nelsonville, Industry, Sealy, Fayetteville, Wesley, New Tabor (near Caldwell) and Vsetin, near Hallettsville.

Among the large membership of these churches who looked to the Rev. A. Motycka for spiritual guidance, he was greatly beloved, and among others who knew him was held in high esteem. He was a man of brilliant mind, a lover of worth while books, an eloquent preacher, and a good man who gave his best to his life's work.

His funeral was attended not only by a very great number of his neighbors and friends in this county, but by representatives of all the churches in his charge, and also by many from more distant parts of the state. Visiting ministers included Rev. J. R. Vieth, Presbyterian minister of Needville, and Rev. Josef Miksovsky of Sealy.

Submitted by Edith Betts

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