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Moorre, Mary Ann (Ayres) (1819-1892)
Moorre, Mary Ann (Ayres)
The Temple Times (Temple, Tex.), vol. 12, no. 86, ed. 1, Thursday, 16 June 1892, page 3
On the 4th day of June, 1892, at the age of 73, Mrs. M. A. Moore, in response to the promised call from the Master to His faithful servants, “come up higher,” left this world to enjoy the reward that awaits all who do the will of God.
Mrs. Moore, the deceased, was born at Ithaca, N. Y. on July 22, 1819. She came to Texas in the fall of 1834 with her father, David Ayers, who settled in the territory of what is now known as Washington County, and at that place was married to Mr. L. P. Moore on July 29, 1835.
The life and death of the deceased only adds another strong link to the great chain of evidence that the promises of God will be verified if his children will only be faithful and live up to the standard of the true disciple as taught by the Son of God. The departed raised a family fo four children to manhood and womanhood who reflect honor upon the parents and in whom Bell county finds pride in calling her citizens.
Mrs. Moore was a member of the Methodist church for over fifty years and all who knew her are united in their praises to her memory as a consistent and useful member, kind, generous, charitable and a model type of a true Christian wife and mother, whose life was an example to the world that the finite mind can never fully appreciate.
The deceased suffered many years with ills to which this flesh is heir but despite this she was happy to the last in the consciousness of having lived a useful life; she loved Texas and her people and ever looked forward from year to year to the reunion of her old veterans, of whom she was one, with undisguised joy.
Now let the aged rejoice that the time draws near when they will meet their old friend on the other shore, and the young take new courage from the example set by this servant of God recognizing in her life and death a fulfillment of His promises.
Mary Ann (Ayres)

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