TXGenWeb - Austin County, Texas

People to Sources 35567

Ruff, Irene Delacroix (1873-1933)
Ruff, Irene
Daughter of Charles Hilmar and Irene A. (Delacroix) Ruff. Never married.

The following obituary was copied just as it was published. Contributed by FAG member Sue Lilley.

Miss Irene Ruff Died Last Saturday

Saturday morning, June 10, at 11:05 o'clock death relieved the suffering of Miss Irene Ruff, as her spirit went out to meet the Creator, whom she had prepared to meet many years earlier in life. Death followed an illness of only a few days, although she had not been in perfect health for quite awhile. A fall from a table in the home two weeks ago injured her and that is believd to have agravated the malady that was working on her and caused her serious illness and in the end, death.

Miss Ruff was born in Galveston July 18, 1873 and was nearing her 60th year. She spent a long period of her life at Sealy where both parents died and were buried. She was never married, and for the past twenty-five years had lived in Lampasas, keeping house for her brother, George R. Ruff, who has been with the Santa Fe here all that time. She was a quiet, unassuming woman who was dearly loved by all who were closely associated with her. She had been a member of the Episcopal church since a young girl and lived a true christian life.

Funeral services were conducted by her pastor, the Rev. Wentworth A. Riemann, at the home Saturday evening at 8:00 o'clock. The body was then carried to Sealy and services conducted at the grave Sunday morning it having been her request that she be buried by her parents when she passed away. The body was accompanied to Sealy by her brother, her neice, Miss Maurine Zaring, whom she and Mr. Ruff have reared from a small child and Rev. Riemann.

Besides her brother, Geroge R., and her neice, Miss Zaring, deceased is survived by another brother, C. O Ruff, and a nephew, R. H. Ruff, of Ft. Worth. These men and their wives were here for the funeral service Saturday evening.

The Record joins the many friends of the loved ones of this good woman in sympathy in this hour of deep sorrow.

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