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Hoppe, Dessie Jean (Machemehl) (1930-2001)
Hoppe, Dessie
Dessie Hoppe passed away at her residence March 30, 2001.

She was born April 5, 1930 in Bellville to Paul and Elda Machemehl, the youngest of 4 girls.

She attended Southwest Texas State Teaher's College in San Marcos and received her teaching certificate in 1950. As a girl with a bright future, she embarked on what would become a bright and rewarding teaching career in Halletsville, teaching high school history.

She was doing great, and then a cousin of hers introduced her to George Lee Hoppe. The blind date was a a success and they began writing letters to each other. George was so hooked, rumor has it, that when Dessie broke her ankle, he carried her around at a dance. In March of 1922, they married and moved to Corpus Christi. After a short time they moved to Gonzales and Butch was born. The family moved to Columbus and had finally found a home... in God's county ... as George would say.

Dessie had found a home at Columbus High School and in between coaching, teaching, sponsoring the pep squad and driving the athletic buses, the best was yet to come. Sheila was born in 1953, Kathy in 1961 and Pat in 1963.

Dessie's career as the world's greatest mother had begun. She was nurturing, the ultimate caregiver, and made her children and husband the center of her life... until her grandchildren came along. They quickly became the sunshine of her life, as one of them said, "She's my best friend."

In 35 years of teaching, Dessie wore lots of hats: mother, grandmother, coach, teacher, mentor, doctor, psychologist, friend, ally and lobbyist to many kids. She taught at both high school and elementary levels: history health and physical education and coached volleyball, basketball and track.

She lived her life for others and loved all people unconditionally. She was generous, tolerant, compassionate, supportive, patient, the greatest listener, and always had a smile and a kind word. She made an effort to make everyone feel welcome and never judged. She loved knowing she was part of the process that helped someone learn something new. She was once asked why she loved teaching so much and she said that there was no better feeling than the one she got when she was the light bulb go on in a child's head-knowing that they got it, that they accomplished something important and that she helped.

Dessie was a hot commodity for the local organizations: the VFW Auxillary, the FCE, the Host program, FFA Alumni, and the New Ulm Lion's Club, coaching ladies' softball, and Girl Scouts are just a few of the ones she participated in. She was a constant supporter of the community and it's children, always participating in and encouraging participation in Veteran's Day programs, reading and writing programs, art shows and contests.

Dessie was everyone's friend, a social butterfly. Some of you may remember that we threw her a surprise party last year, which was a huge success. No one could work a room like Dessie-she made sure that she made it around the room to every single person and she was in her element that day, because she loved people. She was a pillar of the community: through the years you could see her at Dessie Hoppe Field Day, at the Veteran's Day flag raising ceremony, at Wednesday night Bingo, selling Buddy Poppies or Shrine ads, at the FFA auction, at the county fair, or at the elementary school reading to children.

In her personal life, she was busy cooking and baking-she was a wonder baker-working in her flower beds, traveling, watching her grandchildren in sporting events, and making jewelery and candles.

We all had wonderful memories that will keep her spirit alive: when you see a beautiful flower growing, think of Dessie; when you see a child laughing or learning, think of Dessie; when you see a rainbow on a rainy day, think of Dessie; and when you see someone who is feeling down, cheer them up and think of Dessie.

God has smiled down on all of us for having placed Dessie Hoppe in our lives. Know in your hearts, as we do, that she is now a unique, special addition and one of the most beautiful flowers in God's garden. God bless her and may she grow and bloom in peace.

Dessie was preceded in death by her husband, George; and three sisters, Wolfine Machemehl, Marguerite Suhler, and Becky Stewart.

Funeral services were held on Monday April 2, at Henneke Funeral Home with John Hunsicker, pastor of St. Paul Lutheran Church, presiding.

Sympathy is extended to the family in their loss.

Published Thursday, April 5, 2001 in The Eagle Lake Headlight

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