TXGenWeb - Austin County, Texas

People to Sources 33691

Moore, Lovick Pierce "LP" (1813-1905)
Moore, Lovic P
Dallas Morning News June 29, 1905


Lovic P. Moore, Soldier of Sam Houston's Army, Dies at His Home.

Special to The News.

Temple, Tex., July 28. - The death of Lovic P. Moore, one of the few surviving members of Sam Houston's army and a participant in the struggle at San Jacinto, occurred here yesterday.

Mr. Moore was born in Georgia, spent his youth in Alabama, and came to Texas in 1835. At the time of his death he was 92 years and 8 months of age.

In 1868 he came to Bell County, having married Miss Annie Ayres, daughter of David Ayres, in Washington County in 1835, the year of his arrival in the then Mexican dependency. Three sons and one daughter survive him - D. W., T. T. and David P. Moore of Bell County, and Mrs. C. C. Minnis of Albuquerque, N.M.

Mr. Moore enlisted with Sam Houston in 1836 and served throughout the revolution. He was a member of the party which started to the relief of the Alamo, but which turned back after reaching Gonzales on receiving news of its fall.

From Gonzales his command retreated on foot, being so closely pursued by the Mexicans that they were cut off from their horses. They were pursued as far as the Colorado River, after which they fell back to the Brazos, where Houston held his army until the enemy was located at San Jacinto.

Mr. Moore was on detached duty during the struggle that followed and rendered his country invaluable service. Lovic Moore was the last of the little remnant of Hill County veterans who served in the revolution, whereas a few years since a dozen or more were living. The funeral services were conducted this afternoon from the family residence one mile east of town, where the home has been for many years, an immense concourse of people followed the remains to their last resting place, were (where) services were conducted by Rev. C. R. Wright of Waco, pastor of the Methodist Church.

Obituary submitted by Joy Neely

(Comment from Joy Neely: L. P. Moore and Mary Ann Ayres got their marriage bond here in Austin County in 1835. And her father David Ayres received land here in Austin County and his name is on one of the original leagues. )
Lovic P

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