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Fisher, Martha Ann (Spence) (1847-1945)
Fisher, Martha Ann (Spence)
Bellville Times
Thursday, March 20, 1941

At 93 years, Mrs. Grat Fisher, Sr., known to her friends as "Aunt Mat," has a vivid memory of earlier days and can tell many interesting stories of slaves, Indians and the times when Bellville was a small settlement of six or seven families.

She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Spence and was born in Sumpter County, Ala., on April 7, 1847.

According to Mrs. Fisher, her father was a circuit rider and received his calling to the ministry in this way: Mr. Spence had been trapped by a pack of wolves and sought refuge in a tree. He remained up in the branches of the tree several hours and it was only after a sincere promise to his Lord to become a preacher that the wolves left and he climbed down and went home. From that time on he was a Methodist preacher and a teacher.

At the age of eight, Martha Ann Spence and her family left Alabama for Smith County, Texas. She says she remembers when the Indians would bring baskets of corn and potatoes around to sell to settlers. When she was about 13 years old her family moved to Harris county and lived for a short time at San Jacinto, then they moved on into Austin county.

It was during the Civil war that she met Grat Fisher. One of her five brothers, John, brought the rosy-cheeked young Dutchman home with him on a furlough. He had been wounded the arm. It was a case of love at first sight.

They became engaged and after the war rode horseback to Frelsburg where they were married by a Catholic priest. Martha Ann Fisher was not much of a housewife as a young bride of 18 because she had been cared for by slaves, but with the help of a Negro and his wife she soon learned to spin and accomplish the many other tasks necessary in those days.

Mr. Fisher had had his hogs and cattle stolen during the war and during Reconstruction days he farmed and started another herd of cattle and built a log cabin for his bride.

It was at this time that he began a business that is still in the family in Bellville. He, with the help of several Negroes, butchered and sold his meat from house to house by ox-cart. Later his son, Ben Fisher, became owner of the meat market he started.

Eight children grew to manhood and womanhood. They are Ben, Gertrude, (Mrs. A. P. Sutton), Gus, Roxanna (Mrs. Luther Butler), Ellen, (Mrs. W. J. Ralph), Belle (Mrs. Louis Butler), Will and Edgar.

The Fishers bought Judge Crump's house, which later became known as the Fisher home. Grat Fisher died at the age of 72.

Among the many things this fine lady cherises is a postoak (overcup) grown from an acorn which her sweetheart, Grat, brought here from Waller County. This is now a huge tree growing on the premises where Aunt Mat built her home some years ago after he former home was destroyed by fire.

Aunt Mat is active for her age and her eyes are bright and mischievous as she sings "The Yellow Rose of Texas" or tells a tale that will delight her listener. More remarkable yet is the story that this old lady, who will be 94 in April, may be found on a bright sunny day down at the ranch with a fishing pole and hook cast in the water. fishing away!
Martha Ann (Spence)

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