TXGenWeb - Austin County, Texas

People to Sources 1864

Braesicke, Albert Sr. (1837-1922)
Braesicke, Albert (-1922)
Albert Braesicke Sr., aged 84 years , 10 months, and 4 days, died at the home of his son, Otto Braesicke of Cat Spring on Thursday, June 8, 1922 at 3 p.m.

Burial took place Friday under the auspices of the Sons of Hermann and the Cat Spring Turn Verein.

Mr. Braesicke came here from Germany many years ago, and during the civil war worked as a blacksmith.

He was twice married, and is survived by three sons and four daughters, these being Albert Braesicke of Sealy, Otto and Herman Braesicke of Cat Spring. Mrs. Herman Wittenberg of Cat Spring, Mrs. Julius Wittenberg of Sealy, Mrs. Paul Rudloff of Bellville and Mrs. Sam Hillboldt of Cat Spring.

Mr. Braesicke had lived in Cat Spring for more than fifty years, and was a blacksmith by trade. For the past two years he had been in failing health, and death came to him as a relief. He was an upright, conscientious citizen, and in his younger days did his full share in all matters affecting the welfare of his community.

Posted by Verna McDowell

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